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The Ghost Bridge 2: The Ghost Building

language:Ordinary Chinese
class:Scary horror
director:by Ron
title Pinyin:nvguiqiaoeryuanguilouyingshijieshuo
subtitle:TheBridgeCurse: Ritual
blurb:In the legend, the University of Guangzhou is located at the border of the Sunshine, when the designers designed the building in the town and used the "reverse gossip" shape, named "Great Ninja", hoping to use this town and shape to capture the villain so as not to hurt people. campus monster talk continued to be transmitted and painted: not only people on the elevator but mistakenly entered the abyss, but also people stumbled on the classroom dancing ghosts, more students in the evening to hear the song of the ghosts to read the University of Guangzhou's Liu Xiao (Wang Yuan play), since three years ago brother at the campus accident, Jiu Xiao has always wanted to finish her brother's life-blooded design game of AR.
detail:sanstylecolor:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:13x;text-wra:wra;background-color:rgb(255,255,255); in the legend, the university is located at the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary of the boundary
remark:HD is



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